The Game

I can’t believe I forgot to mention this!

So, as I’ve said, my wonderful Belle Fille is not, by nature, a kinky person. I hope to discover a kinky little hellcat hiding away in there somewhere as we progress down this strange new road, but in general she’s very interested in making everyone she loves as happy and contented as possible. You can see some obvious problems this might present someone like me. So far, the tack I’ve taken is to tell her that the act of leaving me basically unsatisfied sexually, and going so far as to actually tease and torment me, makes me incredibly happy and, ultimately, very satisfied. She’s giving it the old college try, and for that I am grateful.

So the day before she left on this trip she came up with the following idea. We will pick a finite period of time (say, three months). She will decide how many orgasms in those three months I will get. We’ll then put a piece of paper representing each day in that three month period into a hat and I will draw one paper for each time she will let me cum. Only she will know the dates. I’ll know how many times I’ll be released, but not the intervals. I might get two in one week but then nothing for the next 6 weeks. She may tell me in advance that one’s coming up or not, entirely at her discretion. In fact, she may deceive me and tell me I’m going to get to cum but then deny me at the last second. Whether or not the CB6K is involved is also entirely up to her discretion.

Sweet Jesus, I get chills just thinking about it.

The best thing about this is that it was pretty much entirely her idea. That she conceived of this scheme and them presented it to me as the way we’re going to move forward (once I get back from my trip) makes me love her all the more for really doing her best to integrate my perversions into our relationship.

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