In my last post, regarding my forced yet unauthorized orgasm, I said:
I, of course, think there needs to be ramifications. I have no idea what, but I really need to feel the consequences of coming when I’m not allowed or, ultimately, it won’t mean anything.
What I meant was, Belle was acting nonchalantly about the orgasm she pulled out of me against my will that she had not given me permission to have. It seemed, if I needed permission to come, that there should be some kind of consequence for having come (even when she basically made me do it). I would have expected the “court” to take into consideration not just the crime, but also the circumstances surrounding it. Punishment, yes, but tempered.
Well, it turns out I’m married to a hanging judge. Here’s my punishment:
- No sexual contact with Belle or her cock, unless otherwise and specifically directed, until Monday, July 6. I can barely touch her anywhere on her body without permission.
- No participation in Belle’s orgasms, other than observation, until Monday, July 6.
Sounds simple, but in reality it’s tantamount to the nuclear option. Six days of not being allowed to touch her (or myself) is bad enough (especially since she still hasn’t placed me back in the device), but no orgasmic participation!? For nearly a week? Man. It’s not like I killed a guy. That’s harsh.
However, Our Covenant is clear. First and second on the list of “Punishable Offenses” is unauthorized orgasms and failure to provide Belle an orgasm when she requests one. I committed both at the same time. Not only did I come, but she had to finish herself off with the vibrator. Also, the punishment for these things leaves a lot to her discretion:
c. Punishments
The punishment Thumper receives for violating a rule will be determined solely by Belle Fille. This can include extending periods of orgasm denial or chastity or revocation of his ability to participate in her sexual gratification or the infliction of pain beyond the threshold he finds sexually gratifying.d. Determination of guilt
Determination of Thumper’s guilt for any offense is made at the sole discretion of Belle Fille. Thumper is not allowed to argue Belle Fille’s determinations of guilt or sentences lest they be doubled.
So yeah, I’m screwed. And – just so we’re clear – I am not fucking arguing the sentence, OK?
Not only did I have to lay there last night while she fucked herself with Pink (which, BTW, took much longer than when I do it), but, after she came, she was so spent by the experience that she fell asleep on her back (very usual), right after telling me I was only allowed to touch her once she rolled over onto her side to go to sleep. Which she did not do. So. No participation in her orgasm and no physical contact with her afterward. The bunny was totally shut out.
We’re heading north tonight for the 4th weekend and she’s said she’s bringing Pink along for the trip. Realistically, she could have three more orgasms and leave me out of them. Three more extended periods of listening to the vibe move over and into her, the little moans that escape her lips prior to the big ones upon climax, and three more throbbing hard, no-touchy cock moments for me. All because she made me come.
I love my Belle Fille.
Erm, sorry, but the bit where you say “but no orgasmic participation!? For nearly a week? Man. It’s not like I killed a guy. That’s harsh”
left me feeling that you don’t really appreciate just how lucky you are to have a woman who is not only controlling your sexual activity, but also modifying it in a way most of us only dream about. Stop moaning and start appreciating what you have. I’m sorry if this message seems harsh, but you need telling!
You seem to have missed the last line of the post. Thumper knows he’s a very lucky bunny.
What the chef said.
I guess I do sound a bit put off by the whole thing and in fact I am. I think the punishment greatly exceeds the crime in this case. However, more than anything else, I’m just glad she’s doing it. Harsh or not, it’s better than the alternative (which is she does nothing and really doesn’t care one way or the other).
I’ll suck it up and watch her do herself until Monday while I get zilch and, in fact, will be very happy about. Frustrated, envious, desperate…but happy. And she knows it.
Balderdash. If Thumper is lucky (and he is), so is Belle (assuming she is into this, which seems to be the case). Having a good sex life together is a two-sided thing. And not communicating about how you feel is a ticket to losing that mutual satisfaction, especially with something as complicated as d/s.
What a wonderful word.