The eleventh – and special New Year’s Eve – installment of HNThumper again features the Steelworxx Steelheart. Plus, a picture of my face. Intrigued? More after the jump…
OK, fine, I didn’t say how big a picture of my face, but if you look really hard you can see me in there (along with my arm, my phone, and a pretty big chunk of our bathroom).
Happy HNT and happy New Year!
Previous HNThumpers here. Read all about Half-Nekkid Thursday over at Osbasso’s
Hey thumper…great HTN! However, am I ever going to get to see a pic with one of your g-shocks! 🙂
Happy New Year
boy brian
“Plus, a picture of my face.”
@BB – I *knew* you were going to say that!
@Ferns – Yes, I’m sorry. I feel bad for leading you on.
oh…and by the way…nice bicep!!!
boy brian
It sure looks likes a nice bicep, doesn’t it? I must confess, however, that the appearance of the nice bicep is more the result of a distortion in the surface of the steel than any actual muscle definition on my part.
Ohh, I had missed that one! Good start for 2010… 😀
Oh my. There’s a – gun pointing at me. Never thought I’d say this, but Steelheart is hot. I’ve also grown to like the first scary idea how the heavy PA-ring is pulling the hole in your flesh. Thanks for the pretty revealing pictures. I like the gentle way you hold the steel.