Reader sg4esubby reached out via the FetLife and had many nice things to say as well as a question for me:
My first question is how has the introduction of chastity affected your day to day relationship dynamic as well as its long term dynamic?
Gah! I mean…whew. That’s, like, the biggest question you could ask. My only response can be this entire blog has been an attempt to answer it. In short, the increased emotional and physical intimacy that the overlay of chastity and orgasm denial has allowed has made my relationship with Belle perhaps stronger than it’s ever been. We’ve been married coming up on sixteen years and I’ve never been more into her (and her into me, I think).
But notice what I said there. “The increased emotional and physical intimacy that the overlay of chastity and orgasm denial has allowed…” That’s the secret. A clear and honest exchange of what we want and how we feel has led directly to where we are today. Of course, I think there’s a lot of special elements that denial adds into the mix, but it’s that openness and communication that’s really made our relationship better.
He went on to ask…
The second question is actually more geared toward your wife should she have the time to offer a response. We’re both curious as to her experience adjusting to controlling your orgasms and discovering the changes that took place as a result of that new control. Be it a more submissive husband or a more pestering annoying husband or anything else that she experienced.
Again, super broad question. Unfortunately, Belle’s not kept a parallel blog along the way so all you have is my take on it. Belle’s not usually been eager to contribute here and I’m not sure where she’d even start on this. Maybe if you could break it down into more bite-sized bits.
An anonymous source inquired:
Dear Sir,
I’m sorry for using this way of contacting you in this matter but I have to admit I find myself unable to register onto chastityforums. I must have been trying for like twenty minutes but I’ve been unable to find the bunny’s name.Can you offer any advice?
Nope. Assuming you’re trying to find out my real name. I don’t put that out there. This is mostly out of consideration for Belle.
I misunderstood. It’s apparently in reference to a security question I set up on the Chastity Forums a long time ago and forgot about. The answer, of course, is “Thumper.”
Jesse asked:
Hi, I have a question about effects of chastity. There seems to be a lot of conflicting information on the topic online so I figured I would contact someone personally who has first-hand experience. Have you noticed the size of erections diminishing or the ability to achieve an erection after being in chastity?
This is a total urban legend. I’ve been locked up maybe 70% of the time (or more) for the past several years. I’ve had thousands of erections compressed and constrained by various tubes and cages. The penis is the same size erect now as it’s ever been.
You don’t say if you want it to be true or not. Most of the people I’ve seen discuss this online actually do want it to be true (or are happily claiming it is). I get that. I really do. But, fortunately or unfortunately (depending on your thing), penises are what they are and seem very difficult to change in either direction.
I must have been trying for like twenty minutes but I’ve been unable to find the bunny’s name.
OFGS – he’s trying to get through the spam-resisting registration process. He can pick from a number of questions, but the answers are pretty easy for anyone who has been paying attention. My *own* opinion is that if someone can’t figure out how to register, then they should probably just go to a different forum.
Of course, I think there’s a lot of special elements that denial adds into the mix, but it’s that openness and communication that’s really made our relationship better.
I just thought that bore repeating.
Oooooh! That bunny. Gotcha. Man, that was random.