HNThumper LXV: Through the aperture

Today’s HNThumper entry is the first taken with my new camera.

The camera in question is the fantastic Sony RX1000 Mark III and the subject is a familiar one to regular readers.

Steelheart through the aperture

The photo was gently edited in Faded for iOS.

Next week, another panty pic not taken with the RX1000M3.

See previous HNThumper posts or see what the world is posting.


9 Replies to “HNThumper LXV: Through the aperture”

  1. Lush! Luscious! Is there a cooler way to present the package? That’s what I wanted to see on the river (from the other POV, that is, yours). The Steelheart is so shiny, it’s reflective. I can see your hand and the camera and the background of the room you were in when you took the pic. You’re walking around reflecting the world. Interesting thought.

  2. I will be ordering tomorrow the shorter version of my steelheart as well over the years I’ve stretched and probably made the same mistakes as you when ordering the first one 8 years ago . No bigger isn’t better men . I’ll be getting a smaller a ring smaller and shorter cage with the pa fixing . I am going to see of the will also upgrade it with the urethral plug option as I am going to be locked up for quite a while when it arrives . In fact it maybe years

  3. Great blog you have here. I have a Sony RX100 and love it. If you get used to manual mode you’ll learn to work it for the easiest creative control.

    Have you ever consider writing a guest blog post on the pleasures of chastity? Let me know.

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