Had to live through another sleep-deprived night yesterday that was maybe 70% caused by hormonal denial build-up and 30% sick kid up in the middle of the night. Seems like these all-nighters don’t come as often as they used to, but the resolution of my recent kidney stone thing has allowed my libedo to come rushing back like someone turning the tap on Niagara Falls. I tried to write a post yesterday, but my foggy dementia from lack of sleep made it not so great.
The thing I was trying to get out was something you’ll either get because your Rorschach patterns of kink and proclivity resembles mine sufficiently or you won’t. As I said, I’m really horny, but I have no desire to play with the penis. Well, I mean, if I was told I could, I’d do it in a millisecond, but the overlapping factors of submission and obedience and faith and trust all soaking in a hot bath of hormones cause me to not think of it as a pleasure object. Not something that is right for me to focus on or have access to or have any rights over. I had to remove the Steelheart the other day because of the kidney thing and felt a great craving to get it back on as soon as I could. I had legitimate access to a free stick of meat filled with all kinds of wonderful pleasure receptors and honestly wanted nothing to do with it. Because the pleasure received by returning to the condition in which I was placed and expected to be (and how I was expected to act) overwhelmed the other kind of more immediate and direct pleasure.
Same thing happened yesterday. I had to get out for the doctor visit and found myself actually resentful at the disruption. I have gone to the doctor locked up before, but not when it involves the thing being locked, so I do understand why it’s necessary and all that, but it pissed me off more than I was expecting. Once the visit was over, even before I was out of the building, I felt the need to be back in the Steelheart the same way I need that first shot of caffeine in the morning. A hungering edge to be contained again. Feeling the cold steel wrapped again around the shaft of the penis brought a palpable sense of relief and comfort to me.
And it goes beyond that. Belle has said I look odd to her when I’m not in the Steelheart and the pink meat is flopping around naturally. That, as I’ve said, she honestly prefers me to be locked up (both from how it makes me look and act). And I like that. I’m more than OK with that. I want that. Men are conditioned by culture and probably even by evolution to be driven by this idea that they are somehow measured as men by their penis and how it measures and what they do with it. But in our relationship, she’d rather I not use it on her. She’s grown to favor the kind of sex we have that leaves the penis in it’s trap. She’d rather it stay where it is most of the time and remain absent from the dynamic.
But, of course, it is part of the dynamic. It can’t not be. But its contribution now is its absence. What it’s going through by not being allowed out and the void left behind when you’re having terrific and rewarding sexual relations with a man without depending on his cock. In spite of it. In fact, in neither of my sexual relationships is its absence considered a problem. Drew, commenting on the photo I posted last time of the free penis, said something to the effect that it’s not even how he thinks of me. That he wouldn’t know how to relate to me if I had a free penis with him. He also prefers the steel and honestly has no interest in getting to what’s inside.
And I do not miss my freedom. I don’t miss being able to play with it whenever I want and I don’t miss not being able to stick in people or that they can’t touch it most of the time. After just a short period of denial and chastity, it becomes who I am. Not a thing we do. Or a thing on me. When it’s working, it is me. Even when it wakes me up at 3:00 AM. I rarely if ever think anymore, “Man, I wish this thing was off me.” I almost always think, “Man, I wish this thing would stop trying to break out.” The craving for the thing locked away and the sensation that comes from it never goes away, but it transforms. That energy transmutes into something positive.
Anyway. There’s a little mid-week trip down the physiological rabbit hole that is my sexuality. I could go on, but it’d just get tiresome.
Awesome awesome post!
This “Belle has said I look odd to her when I’m not in the Steelheart and the pink meat is flopping around naturally.”
Is so true here too! After having hubby locked for over a year and a half, I’m almost startled if I see his naked penis! LoL it just belongs in the cage, it’s sexy, it’s part of him, I like it!
Thanks for the post and I am pretty sure most of those thoughts and feelings are pretty much echoed here from cagedmonkey about it being who he is not just something we do. 🙂
I can very much relate to your comments here. I have not been locked up as long as you have at one time, but I can relate to the comments of having sexual relations with my wife where these fantasies\actions did not involve my penis. Being locked up for a certain period of time and knowing that sexual activity WILL NOT involve your penis, your fantasies change and the penis becomes a symbol, status, nonessential part of the body in sexual pleasure. Fantasies become focused around other pleasures such as anal, nipple pinching and most of all, giving others pleasure. This is one reason why we receive satisfaction after sexual relations with our wife even after not having an orgasm ourselves; what we portray in our chastity lifestyles as sexual pleasure, we are getting.
How did the doctor’s visit go? Will anything be done to prevent another stone?
My GP referred me to a kidney stone specialist. I don’t see that guy for a few weeks yet.
Let us know how it goes. 🙂
I’m sure I’m not the only person online who cares about you, your body and mind, and not kinky/sexy stuff.
Aw. That’s so sweet. Thank you.
Damn, that was supposed to be “not JUST the kinky/sexy stuff”. Of course your readers love reading about that as well. 😛
Funny, that’s how I read it.
Btw, these comments made me blog about you. And Drew. And a couple of other people. Hope you don’t mind. http://sexualramblings.blogspot.no/2015/04/internet-and-blogs-caring-about.html
That was wonderful. Thank you.