Hapa left the following comment on my 2016 metrics post:
Love how you’re always pushing boundaries and publishing results. For real. As I read this blog entry I started wondering about the big picture. My guess for arguments sake, is you and Belle are in your late forties. A lot of couples naturally start seeing a slow decay in sexual frequency as they age,.
Do you think about trading the natural ability of your most active sexual years for lifestyle?
Clearly you and Belle have a great thing going and and your blog is both inspirational and entertaining but thought that chastity could potentially fit a time when yours or your partners appetite for physical sex is lower (especially when you’re at 16 orgasms/ year) than trading your more vital years.
Maybe the consideration is entirely backwards and the hotness of the trade off is everthing regardless.
In a comical parallel, I used to buzz my hair for many reasons, mostly that I liked it, then, one day I realized I’d be better off enjoying my natural ability to grow and style my hair leaving the buzzing for a time when styling isn’t possible. Chances are I’ll go back to buzzing sooner than that but it made sense enough to stop buzzing my hair for now.😉
Thank you for continuing to write so authentically about your life and sexuality.
Happy New Year,
I started to respond but it got all long-winded so I’ve promoted to a whole post. I do not want this to be read as some kind of personal take-down of what Hapa asked or said. Quite the opposite. I want him to understand my perspective. There was a time when I would have asked and said the very same things he did.
Your guess is right that Belle and I are in our late forties. We were in our early forties when we started all this. And while I do agree in general that denial and chastity is one way to combat a slackening libedo, that’s not exactly what happened for us.
Prior to the denial dynamic overlay to our relationship, we had endured years of essentially sexless marriage. Then I cheated and then we came back together and started having sex again. For a while, we had quite a lot of pretty standard sex. Then I discovered what chastity was and we were off to the races. So, for us, it wasn’t a way to enhance a declining sex drive. It was a way to enhance our relationship. Also, for what it’s worth, Belle’s sex drive has increased pretty dramatically in the past year or so.
For a while (like, more than a year), I bought into that “trading my more vital years” thing because I was not yet getting my head around the fact that the point of being locked up is not for me to have sex or for me to have more sex or for me to have better sex or for me to have hotter fantasies or for me at all. It’s not about me. I was terrifically turned on all the time and the chastity was hot as fuck and I’d lay there all mad at Belle for not wanting to take advantage of me in my turned on state and let me make her come, etc. etc. I was being selfish and not accepting that she held the key and owned what it secured. I wanted the female to lead my relationship but only if she led it where I wanted it to go. I was one of those poor bastards who wants to be locked up and talks his wife into it and then becomes a pain in the ass horned-up idiot. Chasity and denial are acts of submission and submission means sacrifice at some level.
It’s from sacrifice that submissives draw their energy. It’s the very definition of being submissive. Giving up control of some kind. Giving it to them, for them. And then living with the consequences. And knowing that living like that is how we as submissives were meant to be.
In a lot of ways, when I talk about my mantra — This is who I am, not what I do — it’s an attempt to draw strength from the reality of the previous paragraph. Giving things up is what makes me as a submissive happy. Seeing her enjoy what I can do for her, as well.
That’s a heavy way of saying I don’t see the exchange of being able to come when and as often as I want for her control over those things and as a trade-off. It’s the entire point. I don’t know how it would be different if I was 30 or 20 or 70, but I do know I wish we had started this as soon as we met. I don’t care if I’m having 1% or 10% or 90% of the orgasms someone my age would normally be having. I care that she owns any I have from this point forward and that she takes that seriously. I’m a fucking sub. I want to be dominated. It makes me happy to be controlled. Being controlled makes me happier than having orgasms. My responsibility isn’t to think about what might be, it’s to focus on making her happy and all the ways I can repay her attention to the responsibility she’s accepted.
You do get there in your comment (“Maybe the consideration is entirely backwards…”), but your hair analogy is off. Even if I couldn’t come as often as I could when I was 20 (i.e., grow as much hair as you can now and not when you can’t), I’d still want her to control it. It makes no difference if I have the natural urge to come three times a day or three times a month. In fact, if I’m unable or have no urge to do something, what value is there in giving it to someone else? It’s potency is its value. Because I have the urge to come (however often) but do not in deference to her control is why this works. That’s where the energy comes from.
I don’t think your POV is uncommon. I do think it’s wrong. Orgasm denial, in a weird way, isn’t about orgasms. It’s about denial. Denial is the thing. Sacrifice. Handing over control. Submission. Yeah, baby. That’s the stuff.
/end sermon
Even I though I come at this from an entirely different perspective (heh), your posts explaining your submissiveness have helped me crystalize my own feelings and desires. I was definitely too caught up in the labels and how and what I thought they should mean for me.
And yay for Belle’s late 40s rise in sex drive! It’s been pretty awesome for me too.
Perhaps I read too fast? But, you didn’t mention the Bull that Belle was seeing. Is that still happening? Ray
It was on again then off again and now is maybe again. I haven’t been talking about it but may soon.
Reblogged this on LifestyleGambler.
Great post. I’ll have to go to Thumper’s blog to comment
I agree with you wholeheartedly! Wearing a cage I’m so turned on and yet I can’t do anything about it. That’s what this is all about. I’ve given my sexuality to my wife. She decides when or if I get an orgasm, an erection or have sex. She has the control. In the last couple of months before we tried this for the first time, I masturbated about 50 times. We had sex where I orgasmed too– often! Now it doesn’t happen unless she chooses to let it or make it happen. That is the crux of male chastity play! That is my submission in action and what turns me on. I m not even allowed to speak of sex without permission. She doesn’t even have to allow me permission to speak about it. And often she doesn’t. lol
Due to technical difficulties, we’ve only been at this with any real dedication for a couple of months now. And though I didn’t find this blog early enough to avoid ALL of the common mistakes, it has been indispensable at helping find solutions and avoid other mistakes.
I think it’s probably still too early to tell whether I’m a true submissive or just addicted to her sexual attention. All I know for sure is that when the device starts to become an annoying pain in the ass and it seems like she may be starting to lose interest, one simple phrase: “But I like you in it” has the amazing power to transform my perception of the device from that of a prison shackle to a fine piece of jewelry. I’m trying my best not to be one of those “poor bastards” but man, is it difficult.
Indeed, those (or some combination of them) are the magic words.