Cheater’s dent

I don’t remember who told me this, but the indentation on your wedding ring finger left behind when the ring is not there is referred to as the “cheater’s dent.” I thought this was a common phrase everyone had heard of, but it turns out it may not be that prevalent. When I punch it into the Google machine, it steadfastly refuses to acknowledge anyone on the internet has used those words together before.

“Chester Dent?” it helpfully suggests. No. Not Chester Dent. “Are you looking for information on carpool cheaters in California?” No. I am not. “Dental…something or other?” No. Try again.

I have a cheater’s dent on my finger. I bet if you wear a wedding ring, you do too. Apparently, people can figure out if the person hitting on them is already married by looking at their ring finger and seeing if there’s dent.

The only thing I wear more than a chastity device is my wedding ring (but not by much). Turns out, I have two cheater’s dents. And here they are…

Continue reading “Cheater’s dent”


After my run the other morning, I was in the bathroom about to get ready for the day. I stripped off my running shorts and shirt and got my podcast playing and was thinking about whether I needed to shave or not (I decided to, in case you’re wondering) when I looked down and saw this.

Continue reading “Deeper”

Mandalorian fetish

I, like many if not most nerds, am enjoying The Mandalorian on Disney+. And not just for the Baby Yoda memes.

I’m a multi-faceted creature who nerds out about many things, not just Star Wars. Branding, for example, and as such, the fact that Disney has chosen to refer to Disney+ as “Disney+” rather than “Disney Plus” or even “DisneyPlus” interests me in a way totally unrelated to the rest of this post.

For those unaware, The Mandalorian tells the tale of a man who is part of an ancient culture (the Mandalore) whose home world has been made uninhabitable by the Empire following their effort to capture a unique substance found there called “beskar” which can be alloyed into metal that’s extraordinarily resistant to damage from energy weapons such as blasters and light sabers.

I swear you don’t need to be a nerd to enjoy this post.

There’s a lot more super interesting stuff to Mandalorians than that (such as how their belief system is based on survival of the fittest to such an extent that weapons are integrated into their religion), but for the purposes of this fetish blog, the one that’s most relevant is their obsession with the aforementioned beskar. In fact, one of the motivating factors of a Manadlore’s life is trying to get all that plundered beskar back. Not only does it belong with them, they believe, but due to their unique belief system, they need it to make armor and their distinctive helmets. You can see both in the image above.

It really kind of pisses me off that the most famous character to wear Manadlorian-style armor was Boba Fett, as did his “father” before him, Jango Fett, even though neither of them were Mandalore. Just one of many little things that bug me about how the Star Wars universe was created by George Lucas. Like, George wanted to come up with the Manadlore and thought the Fetts looks pretty cool so let’s use that design but no they’re not the same they just look the same stop asking so many questions and buy the fucking action figures already. Also, midichlorians.

We find out some really interesting things about the Mandalorian’s obsession with beskar in episodes 3 and 4. Like how he’ll make truly questionable moral choices in order to get his hands on it (though no spoilers). Also, that it’s forged into Mandalorian armor like his bitchin’ helmet. And also, that if he ever takes the helmet off in the presence of a non-Mandalorian he can never put it back on.

I have to say, there’s a fair bit about the Mandalore vibe that excites one of my primary fetishes. I say that as a guy with a stainless steel wedding ring, stainless steel posts in my ears, a stainless steel cuff secured to my right wrist, a stainless steel Apple Watch with matching stainless steel band, and, of course, a stainless steel chastity device locked between his legs.

If he ever takes the helmet off he can never put it back on. I mean, are you fucking kidding me? That is so hot. If you find absolute rules about which metal devices you can and cannot use (and in what way) on your body hot. And I do. Also, how he wants to literally encase himself in a beskar bodysuit.

There’s a scene where a Mandalorian elder forges his armor and of course I was fantasizing about all the other places he would put it and all the other shapes it could be made into and how he could never take it off and, oh boy, I’m really not one for erotic fanfic but I’d read the fuck out of Mandalorian chastity porn.

Anyway, yeah, get yourself the Disney+ and nerd out with me about all the amazing ways beskar could be utilized. And, of course, enjoy that adorable Baby Yoda. Or whatever his name is.