Climate vs. weather

Belle and I are on an eleven day trip in our Airstream across eleven states. We’re on day ten now, so wrapping up soon, which is both a good thing (I miss my house and kid and nice big TV with redonkulous internet connection) and a bittersweet thing since these trips are the only time I feel like I’m not sharing Belle (in the non-sexy way) with her employer. That and I have a jonesing to be one of those full-time RVers who live from campground to campsite chasing 70 degree weather around the continent all year long.

Anyways, we woke up this morning next to a little pond on a farm in northern Ohio I found on Hipcamp. The night was on the warm side and the site we were camped at didn’t have hookups (again, the non-sexy kind — but the woman who lived there did sell us some of her chicken’s eggs for cheap) so we slept with the windows open to the sounds of toads and frogs calling to one another all night. It was swell.

I was sleeping, as I most often do, in nothing but the Steelheart and nothing at all sexy happened. (This is, apparently, the parenthetically non-sexy sex blog post.) And I only mention this because we were laying about this morning listening to the rooster and putting off getting back on the road and there I was all naked and stuff with shiny metal flopping around between us and nothing at all happened.

Why am I writing this? On the sex blog. If nothing sexy happened. WTF, rabbit? Well, more than knowing how to get a well-fitted device or which lube to put on to make wearing it easier or any of that picayune logistical shit, the one skill you have to master if you’re hoping to live with permanent chastity in your life is the 99% of the time that isn’t sexy. Even though you’re 100% (or near enough) of the time wearing a sex toy.

I struggled with this a lot in the beginning. For years, really. But at some point, the one with the kept contents needs to let go of the constant gnawing craving always just under the surface and make sure it stays under the surface until and unless the one holding your key wants it to come up. And the rest of the time, you’re locked up and that’s just how it fucking is. There’s no reward or attention or Scooby snack waiting for you for dealing with it all the time. Dealing with it all the time is the point.

Chastity needs to go from being special to being mundane. To being just how you are. And I’m not saying that’s easy. It’s not. Because “just how you are” is a way that leaves you way more attentive to what’s not happening and what you can’t do and that makes you (most of the time) want to do it all the more. Gaining the ability to keep all that pressure and emotional turbulence under control is maybe the most important thing a penis-haver kept in permanent chastity can learn. For their sanity and the sanity of whoever is holding their key.

I can go back to the beginning of this blog and find posts by a rabbit who didn’t get that. Who felt as though he was owed something for doing the hard thing and staying locked up. But of course being locked up is what I want. So, if anything, I owe Belle for keeping me that way. What I know now (and what’s a central part of our dynamic) is she owes me nothing. And being all needy and sad about the sex or orgasms or simple penis pleasure being missed out on is the single best way to fuck up having someone keep you away from the contents of the device.

I think being kept in chastity does lead to more intimacy and trust and sex and an overall increase in hotness, but it’s like the difference between weather and climate. Chasity improves the climate of the relationship, in our experience. The trend is positive. But one hot or cold or wet or dry day does not make a trend all by itself. So the trick is to focus on the long haul climate changes and not wake up every day with an expectation of what the weather will be like by lunch time. That’s not how it works at all.

2 Replies to “Climate vs. weather”

  1. Let me say how much I appreciate your blog. Yours and one my Tom Allen were instrumental in confirming my interest in chastity. Thank you for your diligence and your hard work in maintaining the character and integrity of your blog.

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