Just a quick post to recap February.

I was in the Evotion Orion for most of the month and was able to change into the Steelheart towards the end. I was out for two approximately one hour periods due to air travel. On the year, it’s a similar story. All Orion except for that short period at the end of February. I’ve been out 6.5 hours for the year, entirely for travel. That’s 99.7% locked for February and 99.5% locked year-to-date.
I expect I’ll be in the Steelheart for the rest of March and I don’t know of any reason I’ll need to be unlocked. In April, I’m going camping and will ask if I can go into the Orion for that since it’s easier to pee through and stays cleaner than the Steelheart. But camping, even with outdoor showering within view of my friends, isn’t a reason to be unlocked, so I don’t see a reason to be out in April. Or May. Or June until the very end of the month when Belle and I are going on a cruise. So, assuming I get out to fly (and since it’s just the two of us, I don’t have to), that’s another hour unlocked on each end.
All of this only matters since I’ve set the goal for myself to be unlocked no more than 24 hours for the year. I still really think even less is possible. My stretch goal is no more than 12 and, even though I’m technically more than half way that in just 1/6 of the year, I think it’s not out of reach. All depends on how often and under what conditions I fly.
And, of course, Belle. If she decides she has a use for the contents, that’s about an hour each time. But she hasn’t had a use for them in 349 days, so I don’t know what the odds are there.
Regardless, I assume I’ll be in the Orion most of the time. Unless something else (👀) comes along, that is. Last year, I wasn’t in anything more than half the time (the BA-31P led the pack at 45%). I think it’s really possible for the Orion to be closer to 80%, if not more.
Guess we’ll find out…