
So, I continued to play with ChatGPT 4.0 (see last post) and asked it…

My spouse is interested in employing enforced male chastity in our relationship. Can you tell me the plusses and minuses that are entailed in this practice?

And it said…

Enforced male chastity is a consensual and intimate practice often associated with BDSM and power exchange dynamics. It involves one partner (the “keyholder”) taking control over the other partner’s (the “submissive”) sexual release by using a chastity device. The practice can have both positive and negative aspects, depending on the individuals involved and their motivations.


  1. Trust and communication: Engaging in enforced chastity can foster trust and open communication between partners, as both parties need to be honest about their desires and limits.
  2. Intensified intimacy: The power exchange dynamic can create a deeper sense of intimacy and connection between partners, as one partner surrenders control and the other assumes responsibility.
  3. Increased sexual anticipation: Chastity can heighten sexual desire and anticipation, making eventual release more satisfying.
  4. Exploration of fantasies: Engaging in enforced chastity can provide a safe and consensual space to explore BDSM and power dynamics-related fantasies.
  5. Self-discipline and focus: The submissive partner may develop a greater sense of self-control and discipline as they learn to manage their desires under the control of their keyholder.


  1. Physical discomfort: Chastity devices can cause discomfort or pain if they are not properly fitted or worn for extended periods. It is essential to choose a high-quality, comfortable device and take breaks if necessary.
  2. Emotional challenges: The submissive partner may experience feelings of vulnerability or frustration, while the keyholder may struggle with the responsibility of control. Open communication is crucial to address these issues.
  3. Hygiene: Chastity devices need to be cleaned regularly, and proper hygiene should be maintained to avoid infections or other health issues.
  4. Miscommunication and misunderstandings: The practice can lead to miscommunication or misunderstandings if partners are not open about their desires, limits, or feelings.
  5. Potential for coercion: It is crucial to ensure that both partners are genuinely interested in and consensual about the practice, as coercion or manipulation can lead to negative emotional and psychological consequences.

Before engaging in enforced male chastity, it is essential to have open communication with your spouse, discuss boundaries, and ensure that both parties are on board with the idea. It may also be helpful to research the practice further and consult with experienced practitioners or communities.

There’s me out of a job, then. 👋🏼

It seems really creepy that a computer algorithm can write something like that, but it does become a bit demystified when you dig into how it works. I specifically didn’t suggest whether the questioner was on the key or lock end of the equation and didn’t suggest one of the partners was a woman and the chatbot didn’t assume either which I appreciated. But yeah, that’s a damned fine reply to my question.

But how does an algorithm get so good at answering questions about enforced male denial? Well, thanks to the Washington Post’s digging round, we know what websites are included in one of the datasets used to train generative AIs (but not ChatGPT, though we can assume they use a similar dataset). This blog is in there as is Tom’s, the Male Chastity Journal, Thrill of the Chaste (I’m just…I’m just going to ignore that word, ok?), and Femdom Resource, among others. So there’s lots of grist for the algorithmic mill.

I didn’t ask the bot to role-play as someone locked in a device or as a keyholder. That’s the only way you could elicit the kinds of personal, human experiences I and those other blogs write about. So maybe I’m not quite yet out of a job. And, of course, chat bots are famously good bullshit artists. So I’m not sure I’d take any of their words as gospel on any topic whatsoever.

I remember way back in the misty days of devices being made from river stones, twigs, and bailing wire that a lot of the enforced denial content on the internet was wank job shit. It’s one of the reasons I started this blog in the first place. Now, there’s a lot more good, actual content written by real people (for example, the sites linked to above). We’ll have to see if the coming tsunami of generative AI content will again cloud the waters with nonsense. In the mean time, I will assume your humble blogger will continue to have a place in the enforced denial information ecosystem.

Though, one day, I could conceivably feed my thousands of words into an AI and have it write my posts. I promise, if I ever do that, I’ll tell you.

Denial ≠ chastity

I asked Chat GPT 4.0 “What is chastity?” and it said…

Chastity is the practice of refraining from or abstaining from sexual activities, often for religious, spiritual, or moral reasons. It is typically associated with the belief that sexual activity should only take place within the confines of a committed, usually marital, relationship. Chastity can also refer to the virtue of being morally pure or modest in thought, word, and deed, which includes refraining from engaging in sexual activity outside the boundaries of a specific relationship or marriage.

Which is kind of problem, I think, for those of us who practice what we call “male chastity.” I am not, in any way, practicing anything like what that paragraph says. Actually, quite the opposite.

I recall Tom once said something somewhere (maybe his blog, maybe Twitter, maybe somewhere else) about men in chastity calling themselves “chaste.” To paraphrase him, no you’re fucking not. I mean, I hope not. Being locked in a device and then being cut off from sex entirely sounds like a thing that would be banned under the Geneva Convention.

Most people, it think, find being in chastity leads to more and better sex, not less. That’s certainly been the case for us, even though she hasn’t allowed me to penetrate her in [checks notes] 400 days.

This problem with verbiage has always bugged me. I tried once to coin a verb to encompass what being in chastity was. It has, thus far, not been widely adopted. Alas. But perhaps we can agree that those with locked penises aren’t chaste and therefore aren’t practicing chastity. What we’re doing is something else entirely.

The point of the device is to enforce a power dynamic in a relationship that disallows the wearer from deriving pleasure via the contents of the device. Either through self-pleasuring or with a partner, the device enforces the denial. Makes is so there is no option. So that the one being denied can’t succumb to temptation and do what they’re not allowed to do under the terms of their relationship dynamic. Devices don’t enforce chastity. They enforce denial.

Were I in a position to change the usage of these words, I’d make it so by fiat. No more “chastity devices.” No more “enforced male chastity.” Being “chaste” isn’t the point of the thing. It’s the denial that is the point of the thing.

Denial is the force that powers this dynamic. Not being allowed to orgasm or touch myself when I want to. Emotions and hormones colliding under the pressure of frustration encased in my submission. The result of being denied the single most basic thing that having a penis entitles one to. For some of us, like me, it actually makes us better at sex. Raises our awareness of what pleasure is and greatly enhances the pleasure we’re able to give. It transforms us as sexual beings. And transforms the device into a symbiotic thing that is simultaneously of the body and separate from it.

“Chastity” sounds horrible. Denial is magical. “Chasity” is punishment. Denial is transformative. “Chastity” is in conflict with the body. Denial is zen.

Denial ≠ chastity. Denial > chastity.

Airport shuttle

We were in my truck sitting in the apparently permanent traffic you find at the intersection of Highway 100 and 494 in Bloomington.

“Thanks for taking me to the airport,” she said.

“No problem,” I said. “Remember when I used to go all the way in with you?”

“I do,” she said. “That was a long time ago.”

“It was,” I said. “Can’t do that anymore.”


“Remember when I used to go all the way inside you?”

Laughing, “I do. That was a long time ago, too.”

“Yep. Can’t do that anymore.”


Wankless woods

I recently got back from another week in the woods with muggles and, as always, I was locked up. Being camping in the wild in that condition does create its own considerations, but this time around they were especially highlighted by the fact that I was without any keys. I was absolutely, 100% locked up, no matter what, until I got home 8 days later.

I didn’t intend to go that way. There have been trips like these when I left locked but came back unlocked due to issues with the device interacting with my body unpleasantly during our daily, lengthy hikes. So going without a key into similar situations is really not recommended. Except this time I was rushed and forgot to ask Belle for the emergency key and she forgot to offer it. I mean, being locked up is just how I am, so we don’t really think about it at this point.

Once I realized my predicament, I was very, very careful to keep things as clean as possible and well-lubed (thank the maker I remembered my silicone). Thusly, I was able to hike over 30 miles during the course of the week without device-related issues. I think this is also due to how terrific and well-fitted the Orion is. It rarely gives me even the smallest bit of issue and it passed this test with flying colors.

Interestingly, when I got back to the house after my trip, I asked for and was given the key in order to give me and the device a thorough cleaning. The Orion went into a vinegar bath and the contents were shaved and cleaned and, I was amazing to find, they never seemed to stir. The vibe was almost clinical and, even though the shaft was touch, lifted, soaped, etc., it didn’t really do anything. When it came out of the Orion, it looked very pale and sad and a bit Gollum-like and I felt nothing sexual towards it at all. Don’t get me wrong, other penises still get me going. But this time, the one on me simply didn’t. It’s been such a long time since it was used for anything pleasurable and my commitment to the dynamic Belle and I share is so absolute that, if I’m honest, it kinda grossed me out. If there was a way to never have to see or touch it again, I’d take it.

All that it not to say I don’t very much enjoy feeling it strain inside the Orion and I love to grab at it and feel that tension within. I love how the device and my big balls feel in my hand and pressed into the bed under my body or just stuffed inside my jeans. Once the Orion goes on, it and the contents transform into a symbiotic third thing altogether that I really, really like. But on their own, the contents are like…I mean, I can’t even think of an analogy. There’s nothing else like it in my experience. I prefer the look of my ring finger with my wedding ring on it (I’ve made the connection before between the symbolism of a wedding ring and a device that enforces denial), but I’m not, like, averse to seeing it that way. I don’t wrinkle my nose at it or observe it like some kind of specimen in a tray. It’s a unique thing that I suppose you get, if you’re a guy like me, or you don’t.

In other news, it does not appear as though the new shiny Orion will arrive before Belle leaves on a two week work trip (it’s not supposed to get here until mid-month, but I was hoping). I would have preferred for her to either take the keys with her or keep them hidden but I will want to change when the new one shows up and so she’ll leave me the emergency key to use when it does (assuming the new one doesn’t come with its own keys which, now that I think of it, it very will may). I’ll resecure the key and provide evidence to her of it and the contents being such.

We had a house guest this last weekend and, because of an especially needy rescue dog and her annoying habits in the morning and the elaborate process we need to go through in order to secure some alone time, I was unable to get Belle off after being away. And now she’s going away. I really hate not being able to provide her that pleasure. It’s what powers me and it’ll be just me and the Orion for over three weeks before I get to feel her come again. I’m not worried about her. She can always take care of herself. But there’s only so much I can accomplish on my own…


There was a point while wearing the venerable Steelheart last month when I realized I didn’t want it on anymore. Which is not to say I wanted out. What I wanted was for the Evotion Orion to go back on. Sort of a shocking moment for me since so much of my identity has been invested into that shiny steel tube for so long. But there I was.

It was all very practically driven. I do love how the Steelheart looks. I love how it feels to have a smooth, warm steel tube in place of the contents. I love how the Steelheart fills out my underwear. But more than all that, I guess I love what it’s like to wear the Orion. So I asked Belle to let me put it back on after a couple weeks in the Steelheart.

March ended like this…

Locked 100% of the month but also almost perfectly 50/50 between the two devices. I didn’t try and do that.

For the record, I’ve been in a device 99.7% of the time so far this year. About 6.5 hours unlocked. I don’t have any reason to believe I’ll have any unlocked time in April. The goal of <24 hours unlocked all year is on track.

I also don’t have any reason to believe I’ll be in anything other than an Evotion Orion for the rest of the year. Or maybe ever. I have a very special and very shiny new Orion being made now I can’t wait to get on and once that’s here, in combination with the one I already have, I might be done looking at and trying on new devices. Like, ever. Unless some very interesting new design comes along that I want to test, I guess. I can confidently say that none of the other devices I have hold much appeal to me now.

You guys, I used to wear like four devices in a month. I was always swapping and enjoyed the variety. Now I’m in the one and like, “Yeah, I’m good.” That’s how great the Orion is.

Based on their guidance, I’m hoping the new Orion will have landed by about mid-month. Looking very much forward to writing that review!