You come when the groudhog says you can

Today is Groundhog Day. According to reputable new sources, our nation’s best marmot-based weather prognostication technology says we will endure six more weeks of winter. So the thought occurs to me, why doesn’t anyone use the big rat to decide when they’ll come next? Sees his shadow, you don’t come ’till sometime in March. No shadow, you’ll be erupting in two weeks.

These are the things I think about.

New bird on the block

Over on FetLife, I found out about a new chastity device on the market called the Birdlock made by a company called Novamedia. At least I think it’s new since Tickleberry just started carrying it and the manufacturer’s website appears to be fairly new. Why it’s called “Birdlock” is anyone’s guess. The company that makes it is from Switzerland so maybe it’s a translation thing (the site’s English copy looks like it was translated by a machine which is the only explanation for the page that says the Birdlock fits perfectly with the male face).

This device is interesting to me for a couple of reasons. First, it’s made of silicone, not polycarbonate like the CB-X000 devices or stainless steel like other trapped-ball devices. This should make the Birdlock significantly more comfortable to wear than my CB6K or a similar stainless device since it will give and stretch with movement. Another benefit of the silicone is that it would probably lead to less of a profile when worn beneath clothing. I’m assuming the tube would collapse and be less noticeable than the hard plastic of the CB6K. Additionally, it’s basically all one piece with a simple locking strap so it appears to be a lot less bulky and complicated than the CB6K (which has six separate pieces to assemble, not counting the lock). Fitting this should be a snap since it has no extra rings or spacers and obviously the issue with tube splitting would not be a factor for a single piece of silicone. Finally, all this simplicity seems to have helped make it one of the more inexpensive devices on the market (but not a lot cheaper than a careful shopper will pay for a CB6K).

On the downside, I wonder if the stretchiness would allow some manual stimulation to be felt through the tube. I can see how the device would reign in an erection (though more forgivingly than the CB6K), but, as I said on FetLife, one of the more interesting features of the hard tube is that it’s impossible to give oneself any kind of penile stimulation while wearing it (at least, once one has a hard-on). I can imagine the Birdlock would at least allow some pressure to be felt through the tube making a form of masturbation possible. This would not, in an of itself, be a show-stopper for me, but it would seem to remove one of the control and bondage features I appreciate in the CB6K. Novamedia trumpets the fact that, since it stretches, nocturnal erections are less likely to wake a wearer up in the middle of the night. When I first started wearing my device, this would have been a very welcome feature, but now I’ve come to appreciate this feeling. Once I wear it for a few days, I sleep right though them or only wake up a bit. Either way, there’s a security blanket-type thing I get from the feeling of the tube clamped around my meat that I would miss if the tube was too forgiving. Also, since it is basically a one-size-fits-all design, it’s possible it won’t fit some. I assume it will stretch enough for most guys, but if it’s too small, it won’t stretch smaller. This won’t be an issue for my totally average penis, but it may be for some. Finally, as anyone with a silicone iPod case can tell you, silicone can pick up a lot of dirt and discoloration through use, especially in lighter colors. I would be concerned about the clear and glow-in-the-dark(!) models discoloring after a while (a point I didn’t think of until Belle mentioned it). A nice thing about solid poly is you can make it very clean.

Chances are, I will eventually get one of these new Birdlocks. The potentially lower profile of the device and its simplicity outweigh the possible downsides enough that I should at least give it a try.

Doing the lord’s work

Was presented with the following ad on Facebook:

Needless to say, the lord and I have different methods (though we share the same goals).

UPDATE: I saw the ad again and this time saved the link. Here it is. Actually, upon reading some of the things this book is supposed to bring to the Christian male, I’m pretty sure it’s pushing orgasm control. So maybe the lord and I are in synch. There’s a first time for everything, I guess.

To O or no

I woke up Saturday, the day I would be allowed to come, deeply, deeply horny. More, I think, than I’ve been so far in the four months or so in which Belle’s been denying me orgasms. I spooned into the her still-sleeping form, doing my best not to wake her in that poky, annoying, denied male way, but did, in fact, place a hard, protruding, poky piece of meat between us. My first instinct was to be the eighth dwarf (Gropey), but give myself credit that she more or less woke up on her own. It wasn’t that I thought she was going to give it to me right then, but the day had dawned, and every little part of me knew today’s the day.

She had a little surprise for me. I was to be the beneficiary of her special, 24-hour, two-for-one orgasm sale! She was going to let me get one in the morning, and another in the evening. Holy. Shit.

Of course, even when I get to come, I come last. This time, Belle wanted to get her orgasm from the cock. Any time she has me put my dick in her after a couple of weeks of denial, I get worried. I placed myself in the zone and focused on her experience as much as possible. I could feel myself slide in and out of her, but in trying to ensure her orgasm came first, it didn’t feel like fucking as much as a side effect of making her happy. It’s hard to explain, but the sensation seemed to be routing through a different set of neurons or something. In any event, I was miles from coming when she started to approach her own orgasm. As usual, her peaking excitement caused mine to start to rise. She started to make shallow, short little moans and raise her hips to meet the thrusting of mine and I suddenly felt myself coming at the same time she was. Instead of thinking, “Oh, cool! We’re coming at the same time!” I thought, “Oh shit, I’m coming and she’s not done yet!” My orgasm started, but I clamped down on it as soon as I felt it. Once she was done, it was my turn, and I immediately felt the dregs of my orgasm come spilling out.

I couldn’t even tell at first if I had come. I eventually decided I had, though poorly, based on how I felt. Beforehand, I had been craving some abuse and feeling very submissive, but I could sense that those feelings were somewhat lessened. The idea of being hurt didn’t turn me on as much and I definitely felt a shift in my submissiveness. So, yeah, I came, but it was a really crappy orgasm.

Belle told me afterward that she knew I was going to screw it up (her exact words) which is why she offered the two-for-one. She wanted me to have a good orgasm and suspected correctly that my first crack at it would suck.

Night came and I was ready for the main event. This time, her orgasm was achieved a little differently. She wanted me to finger her but, before I could get there, she started to finger herself. I was working her tits while she was working her clit. Feeling left out, I started to fuck her with my fingers. Using this cooperative finger-fuck method, she came quietly yet hard. One of her more intense orgasms.

My turn started and I could tell I was already in the wrong frame of mine. I had a hard time staying hard. She was doing her best with scratching and pinching and hair pulling, but it was all having the opposite effect of what she intended. Eventually, I became too flaccid to stay in her and had to roll off and take a little break. After a bit of stroking I was able to get back in the saddle. She focused more on my nipples this time and that really worked for me. My orgasm, when it finally came, was almost feminine. Instead of spiking like a big exclamation point, it built slowly and evenly over an extended period. I started breathing harder and faster as I felt it get closer. Once I started, it felt like I just kept shooting wave after wave into her. So much so, that it spilled out of her and backed-up all over me. This was it. The kind of head-exploding orgasm that makes all the denial and frustration pay off.

These two experiences make me think I have a wiring problem. Well, not so much a problem as much a need to relearn how to come. My denial has trained me to stifle my “natural” need to orgasm each time I have sex to such an extent that I seem to be shying away from coming even when I’m allowed to do so. I need to figure out how, when she’s given me the green light, to allow myself to reroute to the old circuits and just enjoy it.

It also makes me think this behavior might have something to do with all the stories about extended chastity causing erectile dysfunction. While I haven’t been locked-up for a few weeks (but will be by the end of today), the same kind of dynamics are in play. No orgasm, no opportunity to orgasm, and, in effect, positive reinforcement for not orgasming. I’m not at all surprised that I’m experiencing these issues since my brain is by far the largest, most complicated, and most important sexual organ I have. I can see how what’s happened to me could happen to others and lead them to think that they’re dealing with physical damage rather than the manifestation of a psychophysical issue.

In any event, I came! WOO-HOO! Last night’s was one of the best orgasms I’ve had, like, ever. Belle will lock me up sometime today and hasn’t decided how long I’ll be in. According to our covenant, I need to be locked up for half the year and have so far only seen the inside of the polycarbonate for 12 days in 2009, so I expect at least a few weeks. If I was to guess, I’d say at least until after she’s had her period. Also, she reminded me I only get to enjoy nine more orgasms this year. Divide nine by eleven and you’ll find I will have to go for more than a month a couple of times.

Plenty of time to experiment with with the wiring.