
Way back in 2020, I was unlocked for 413.5 hours in 366 days (it was a leap year). So 95.3% of the year, I was in chastity. In 2021, the unlocked number dropped to 224.5 hours (97.4% locked). The year after that, I was unlocked for just 20.6 hours all year. I was locked 99.76% of the time.

For 2024, I was hoping to beat 20.6. But I very much did not. I went through The Troubles and ended up unlocked a shocking (for me) 119.3 hours. That’s 98.6% locked which is still a lot and not far off from 2022 and still way more than 2020. But I consider it a black mark on my record specifically since I chose to be unlocked. Very bad rabbit.

But I’m a good rabbit now and Belle seems disinclined to recreate the conditions which led to The Troubles (ie, letting me fuck her), so I’m back to being bullish on setting new endurance records for myself.

Officially, Belle has said I should be unlocked for no more than 25 hours in 2025. If we were a corporation, we might make “25 in ‘25!” posters, mousepads, and lapel pins to reinforce the goal, but we’re not so we haven’t. But yeah, 25 is my official objective. She wants me locked up no less than 99.7% of the year.

I, however, have set for myself a stretch goal. In a perfect world, I’d be locked up 100% of the time Belle decided she didn’t want the contents and if that ended up being 100% of the year, so be it. The world, as is being demonstrated on an hourly basis now, is far, far from perfect. There are some situations where I need to be unlocked. Precisely two, in fact.

  1. Doctor’s visits
  2. Travel

I usually unlock for the doctor. Depends on the purpose of the visit. Recently, I find I’m always unlocking for travel. I have PreCheck so go through the metal detector by default and most of the time could get through in the resin Orion just fine but even PreCheck people are randomly sent though the backscatter scanner which no hard object can get through undetected. Even then, when I go through there locked and the device is picked up, most of the time the TSA agent sends me through. But not always. And, for whatever reason, I’ve decided I’m over that potential encounter, even when not traveling with work colleagues or family other than Belle.

Considering all that, my stretch goal for the year is 12 hours. Hitting that is entirely dependent on how much I fly, how many times I think the doc will need access to the contents, and how many times Belle wants the contents.

The math whizzes in my audience will have already worked out that 12 hours in a year is no more than one hour a month. In thinking it through, 12 hours might be achievable. In January, I flew four times resulting in being unlocked for a hair more than two hours. In February I’m not scheduled to fly at all. So that would put me on track. In March I will fly twice. That’s about another 1-1.5 hours. In April, no flying again. Two more times in May and once in June and another one in July means I should be about 6-8 hours unlocked, due only to flying, by the end of July. Potentially, right on track.

After that, I only have two flights on the schedule. Surely, more air travel will come up. And I’ll see the doctor at some point. But the thing is, 12 seems totally achievable. That would be a locked percentage of 99.86 of 2025(!). Call it 99.9%

The other goal that goes without saying is zero. Not one unauthorized orgasm. What Belle decides there is her business, of course.

Submissive sacrifice

“Can you imagine what our relationship would be like right now if we never started locking me up?”

I asked this of Belle the other morning just before our petting moved from light to heavy which inevitably leads to her orgasm.

She was quiet for a moment.

“No, not really. It’s been so long now.”


And then I happily got her off while the contents tried and failed to participate.

While it’s difficult to predict where we’d be without chastity and denial, I can imagine it. And I don’t like what I see.

One of the realities of being married to someone for multiple decades is that, I think naturally, the sexual spark wanes. In fact, the entire reason we started down a path that led to her keeping me locked up all the time and letting me come basically never was falling into the trap of sexual complacency. It’s also the case that people’s sex drives start to tail off as they get older. That’s just nature.

So, in at least that aspect of our relationship, I’m 100% sure it would be worst off today were it not for my permanent denial. I would most likely be doing what I was doing sixteen years ago and relieving whatever sexual needs I had in the shower as soon as they started to smoulder rather than approach Belle. I’m not suggesting we’d be sexless, but there’d be way less sex than there is now.

And my attentiveness and investment in her and our dynamic are greatly enhanced since she’s, while perhaps not my sole outlet for sexual gratification, certainly my closest and most important. And the natural ebbing of sexual interest has been delayed greatly by the fact I can never scratch my orgasmic itch as soon as it begins. I feel like that clock has been set back by decades due to my prolonged denial.

She says it herself when asked what the best part of keeping me locked is: focus. Focus on her, focus on us, focus on how I can be a better partner. No focus on the contents.

I have started to wonder how wanting to be permanently locked and denied qualifies as submission. When I was being locked longer than I might have wished in the past, then there was a real sacrifice being made. But now, I want nothing more than to be exactly as I am and on those very rare instances when she wants me not to be, it’s genuinely traumatic for me. If she asked for that to happen again, of course I’d comply. But in that case, being unlocked and then allowed to orgasm would be the act of submission.

That’s a mind fuck, huh?

So I guess the way I’d characterized my ongoing act of submission to her now is how I feel like I’ve permanently sacrificed the contents and every potential orgasm for the rest of my life to make our marriage and relationship and, by extension, her life better. More satisfying and rewarding. For her and me.

She doesn’t want to change anything. She will keep me locked up and denied essentially forever. And I feel like that is a gift of submission that I freely and gratefully give her every day. I’m very lucky to be with a woman who accepts it from me.