Welcome back to another exciting installment of the DT Mailbag!
Brooke bothered…
Hey Thumper, I was curious if you’ve ever come across the practice of using ‘Athletic Tape’ for light chastity play before. If you’re not familiar, it’s like a thin and stretchy fabric tape that athletes use to stick onto their skin. It’s designed for adhering to skin (although maybe not to genitals), and you can cover your glans & frenulum using a few strips. It works pretty well to stay in place, lowers your sensitivity from skin to skin contact, and is painless to remove if you gently peel it off. I like that there’s no prep involved to get protected fast (no stocking method), it’s lightweight, and you can sleep in it easily. It’s not supposed to prevent an erection or be a substitute for a cage, but in between it fulfills its role pretty well if you just need to not have a sensitive naked penis for a few hours or for one day. It’s also sold in most stores.
No, but it sounds intriguing. Seems like the instances of DIY or pervertable chastity play has become much less prevalent since there are so many devices out there now at nearly any price point. But the bondage enthusiast in me likes the idea of being bound up like that.
Mike mathered…
Excellent blog – it’s extremely useful to a newbie to this like I am. With your years of experience, perhaps you can help here?
I’m trying to move to a HTv3 after being in a CB-6000s; in the CB I was wearing the #3 ring width the second smallest spacer, and had been wearing for about 3 months. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, other than the usual CB annoyances with the ring.
I’m now trying the HT with a 45mm ring, and while everything seems fine before I put the cage on, once I put the cage on my balls start to turn a dark red/slight purple colour and get a fair bit cooler to the touch (but not outright cold). My veins also become more prominent on my scrotum, which has me believing that the ring + cage is too tight (despite being larger than the one I wear on the CB), even though I can slip a finger between the ring and my shaft.
In your expertise, is this indeed a sign that it’s too tight, and that I should look at moving up to the 50mm ring at this point?
Yes, that’s too tight. At certain points (full pressurization), a flushing of the scrotum skin isn’t out of the ordinary, but cold is no good at all and that seems too tight for those times it’s not stuffed with an erection. One of the advantages of the CB-X line is the spacers. Sounds like you need to bump that base ring up, at least for a while.
Another Mike mouthed…
Hi great blog, been a lurker for a while. and into the life for about 20 yrs off and on. Mrs M not really interested so tends to go in cycles
Just about to go full steel, currently self locked CB600 & more recently HT2 (plus some junk from China)
Looking to go with the half shell, however, struggling to get a reply from the website, do you know if they are still trading, any tips on getting their attention. Wanted to modify the head to a single hole as per your thoughts
Keep up the good work, you are THE resource for us out here…
I’ve heard from others who have had issues getting a response from Rigid. I also hear it about Steelworxx from time to time. Both these outfits are small manufacturers (AFAIK, it’s just Deitmar at Steelworxx and Rigid is, I think, a couple). They get backed up with orders and the response levels drop. I’d think that’s especially a problem with Rigid since their designs are so innovative. FWIW, that’s a complaint I’ve never heard about Mature Metal.
Apparently, there are many more penises looking for custom metal securement than there are craftspeople to make them. One of the reasons Chinese Ebay specials have become so popular, I guess. Cheap and readily available.
Darrell demurred…
I’ve ordered a steelworxx looker 02 about a month age ( anxiously waiting now ) any how 58mm total length you reviewed it quite some time ago just wondering what you think of it now having owned one for awhile…..do you still wear it…
Lol, yes, I still wear it. So far this year, I’ve worn it nearly sixty days total. My only complain is the base ring is borderline too tight. Other than that, it’s Belle’s main axe.
A mysterious stranger said…
I’ve been following your blog for a while and wanted to share some info based on your recent posting “Of Trust and Locks“. First off, I totally agree with you, a lock isn’t necessary and it’s the trust factor that’s important.
You then mention switching to the HT for travel. I just wanted to share that I just returned from my 5th flying trip in the last nine months and have had no problems with my Mature Metal Queen’s Keep. I have gone through metal detectors and the body scanners with no problems. I’ve been pulled aside twice and they wanded me and it gave a small beep, but then they just let me go. This has been both in the US (various airports) and in Costa Rica. I’ve got another trip coming up in a week and I won’t even think about it.
The first time was kind of a fluke. I had been locked for about 3 months by that time and on the day of travel I went to get the key (I knew where it was, but had never used it, as is laid out in your posting) and tried to unlock to no avail. I tried anything I could be for whatever reason the lock wouldn’t work. We just shrugged it off and took our chances and found out it was no big deal. I have yet to replace the lock (at 9 months continuous now) and have gone on numerous other trips all while caged. Maybe the Steelheart is different, but the Queen’s Keep is a fair amount of metal.
That’s really interesting. The Queen’s Keep does look like it’s less metal than the Steelheart since the Steelheart is a solid tube and the QK is mostly cage. I wonder if the Looker 02 would make it through security the same way.
It’s funny that I still see people worry about the little brass lock in a Holy Trainer triggering a metal detector. No way does that even get close. Next time I’m traveling alone or just with Belle, I might try wearing one of the less solid devices and seeing if I can get through.
YET ANOTHER Mike monotoned…
I read your blog about using the Njoy Pure Wand tool for prostate milking and I am thinking of getting one myself. What position are you normally in during your prostate milking session while using the Njoy Pure Wand? Which position is the best position to cause a release of seminal fluid? Do you think the Njoy Pure Wand is effective at prostate milking and causing seminal fluid to be released?
The curve should be aimed toward your belly button and the knobby end should be sliding over the gland. Other than that, it’s more about how hard you’re doing it and for what length of time. Also, it doesn’t always work for every guy. Some won’t respond while others will express quite a bit of fluid. It’s about how you’re wired and configured.
Personally, it’s worked for me maybe half the time I’ve used it, but every time is an intense experience. I prefer the larger end since it seems to make better contact and stimulate more surface than the small end.
Gimli gamboled…
I’ve just stumbled across your marvellous blog so I hope these questions aren’t too tedious.
I’m in something of a different head space to you in that I’m a solo player (my lovely partner lost all interest in sex at menopause) and my interest is in somehow denying that I have a cock – I’m not quite sure why my head works that way, I have zero interest in switching gender, so perhaps it’s a sort of revenge for the various escapades that my cock has led me into over the years!
I’ve purchased a couple of cheap Chinese devices in the past but the quality has left much to be desired and one of them delivered a nasty UTI (my own fault for being too impatient to sterilise it on delivery).
I was particularly interested in your review of a micro trainer, as it seems to meet my goal of making my cock ‘invisible’. However your comment about messy urination matches my experience. I’m wondering whether you have any feedback about whether a urethral tube would solve this problem, and what drawbacks that might have?
I’m also wondering whether you might have come across some device that traps testicles up in their canals, ideally while holding the penis down in a tucked position. Of course the obvious answer is a chastity belt, perhaps a female one, but most of those I’ve seen seem designed for their visual effect and not for practical daily wear. My ideal would be something that places the head of the penis about mid perineum so that urination (albeit sitting) could take place without removing the device.
Yes, I think a urethral tube would make urination a much better experience in that device, but they were sold out when I ordered and I didn’t want to wait. Without that feature, they’re strictly a pee-while-sitting device.
I absolutely get what you’re saying about minimizing the presence of the penis. The micro is quite good at that.
Yeah, I think what you’re describing is a full belt option. Perhaps a reader can leave another idea in the comments.
Bert burped…
Have you ever been on a nude beach / clothing optional area or resort wearing a cage? What was your experience?
No, never have. Alas. If only we lived in a world where a) more places like that existed, and b) chastity wearers would be accepted without issue.
Sam, a fellow rabbit, sidled…
I’m fascinated by the concept of chastity and really want to get into it. However, I’m a college student, and I don’t have the money nor the privacy to invest in most cages. I’ve almost pulled the trigger on many products, but I’ve been too scared to commit. Do you have any guidelines for cheap devices under $50? The last thing I want is an experience similar to your metal holy trainer or some Chinese plastic rotting my knob off. Your wisdom is appreciated.
Under $50? Your only option is a Chinese knock-off, I’m afraid. That comes with risk, sure, but it’s enough for you to figure out if you even like wearing a device. Recently, I got an inquiry from a site called Oxy Shop. Can’t vouch for them, but they have a lot of devices in your price range.
Andrew opined…
For 24/7/365 wear, what is your TOP recommendation?
We’d like something that breathes, non-noticeable, comfortable, secure, and perhaps goes with a PA piercing.
The search for a perfect device is so frustrating!! Thank you so much!!!
Holy Trainer. If the PA thing is important, then I’d say a Half Shell from Rigid (if you’re OK with waiting, see above).
Yes, getting the right device can be a long and expensive project!
Phil fancied…
I’m still debating the steelheart and I was wondering..
So.. in terms of the rod allowing the PA to slide up, wouldn’t a small divot in the middle that the ring can nestle into prevent that? Perhaps expanding the ends a bit longer to prevent it from sliding forward enough to escape the valley?
The idea of the fixing I designed is to allow the ring to slide up when the penis withdraws so as to avoid the Very Nasty Pulling that can occur. That last sentence…I just don’t understand. 🤨
Simon sashayed…
Getting through the night! I am on my second Jailbird much smaller and snugger than the first; I probably have on average a relatively high/ tight scrotum BUT I struggle with the pain of the device when I get nightly erections (I am 56), would be great if you have any helpful tips.
I’m assuming, based on what you wrote, that the pain you’re having is under your balls. Have you applied silicone lube under the base ring? That’s my top tip when it comes to that issue. Otherwise, a larger ring is in your future, I’m afraid. Also, of course, it’s kinda supposed to be some level of uncomfortable. Not painful, necessarily, but one man’s discomfort is another’s agony. Hope that helps!
Annnnd, that’s all I got for the moment! Usual apologies for those who had to wait a while to get their response.