
In the past week, I’ve ordered…

It’s never been said about me that I don’t jump enthusiastically into new endeavors. Most of this stuff is likely to come while I’m away later this week (damn it). Note to Belle: Don’t open any strange boxes in front of the kids.

We also got a lockable plastic file box to store all the goodies in. I picked up a set of mini Master Locks to secure it (just like the one that comes with the CB6K, except with two keys, thank you very much). Belle has one key and the other is locked into a little combination key safe. That stays with me. If I ever have to get to it and she’s not around, I can either ask her for the combo or open an envelope in my computer bag that contains the numbers. Either way, she’ll know. By using locks from the same set on both the goodie box and the CB6K, she controls not only my orgasms but also when and how I receive sexual pleasure of any kind. I’m so serious about this, that the one and only toy from the “old days” I still used with any kind of regularity (a moderately sized penis-shaped Doc Johnson butt plug) is already locked up.

*Sigh.* Twenty-nine hours, thirteen minutes until her plane lands. Figure three-quarters of an hour or so for the trip from the airport…carry the two…tick…tick…tick…

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