It lives!

Male Chastity Forum is back!

Kinda. The site was apparently hacked and has been resurrected, but without all the old accounts and posts, alas. For those who knew it in its previous life, you’ll remember it was a fairly sensible collection of people discussing the topic with a minimum of stupid pronoun capitalisation crap and hot pink CB-3000/French maid combos.

Not, of course, that there’s anything wrong with fucking with pronouns and wearing lacy stockings and pink plastic if that’s what you’re into. It’s just that I’m not and the other big forum site I’m aware of is massively overrun by people we are. So it’s hard for me to fit in there. It was so bad that I toyed with the idea of starting a forum myself specifically not for the excessively feminized (not, of course, that there’s anything wrong with them). I’ve got lots of experience managing a large forum, so I could have done it. But then again, I have lots of experience managing a large forum, so I also know it’s a thankless timesuck, so I decided to wait for MCF to come back.

One of the things I especially liked about MCF back in the day (before it was hacked or whatever) was the seemingly large number of gay device wearers who were there. Maybe that’s what kept the French maids out. Anyway, it was a great place and, hopefully, it will be one again. I encourage you to go check it out and, if you’re so inclined, create an account and add your two bits. Unless you’re wearing a device and a dress right now. In which case, there’s already a large and vibrant community out there for you (and you know where it is).

Not, of course, that there’s anything wrong with that…

26 Replies to “It lives!”

    1. I think there are (perhaps) sevreal reasons, Mr Tom.

      First, it’s easy to see how control of the penis and orgasm naturally extends to control of masculinity as a whole (and how the former is extended from female domination where that’s the “entry point”, so to speak.

      Also, it’s possible there’s something like the “bestseller” effect going on: early in the day it may have gone either way, but a small majority of sissy-types made some noise, which attracted more to make even more noise, and so on.

      Just some musing.

      What I DO know is there’s a huge silent crowd out there who want nothing to do with domination or sissification and see male chastity as just a bit of fun.


      1. There’s also a relatively vibrant but disperse community of folks who are very into the D/s aspects of orgasm control but feel a bit miffed by the whole sissification theme. I would be less critical of that if that theme weren’t such an overbearing presence but, seeing as how it is, I get to rail against its prevalence. 6 of one, half a dozen of the other, I guess.

        Also, FWIW, Sarah, I was skeptical of your blog for a time. Upon a second look, I’m really enjoying your very sensible sensibilities. Keep it up (so to speak…).

  1. My own hypothesis is that the bulk of the sissy maids we see on forums are actually first and foremost exhibitionists. Maybe even what you might call “shockibitionists” – people who get an erotic kick out of displaying shocking sexual behavior. I get the impression that for them, the biggest rush is not from engaging in the kink, it’s from being seen engaging in the kink.

    Not that I suppose all sissy maids are exhibitionists. The ones that aren’t would be quietly enjoying their kink in private. Just like I suspect the bulk of all humans are enjoying their sexual proclivities behind closed doors.

    But the exhibitionists make a lot of noise and drown out everyone else. And I’m pretty sure chastity is a totally secondary kink for them, else they wouldn’t start every fucking post with “I’m sitting here in my pink frilly panties with my pinker-than-pink nails…” And telling them to please, just once in a while, shut the eff up and don’t demand that we all participate in their games is probably like telling John, Thumper, Tom (and me) to stop playing chasitity games. Ruins their fun.

    Only our fun doesn’t require other people to participate in something they don’t enjoy, so it’s not quite the same, eh?

    I think we’d be better off if people thought of sex and religion the same way. Just because the way you like to do it is really great for you, that doesn’t mean everyone else is going to want to do it the same way that you do. And the people who don’t like to do it the same way that you do probably don’t really want to be forced to watch you do it, or be forced to hear about you doing it. And they sure as hell don’t want you teaching their kids about your way of doing it without their permission.


    1. Just because the way you like to do it is really great for you, that doesn’t mean everyone else is going to want to do it the same way that you do

      That’s called the platinum rule. It’s better than the golden rule because platinum is a Deep Space 9 currency. (/nerd)

  2. “I’m sitting here in my pink frilly panties with my pinker-than-pink nails…”

    Yes, I wonder at this, too. It’s a free world (allegedly), so I’m not saying there should be some prohibition against it. Yet two things immediately come to mind:

    How can any woman find that attractive in a man? The thought of having one of those pathetic, submissive creatures anywhere near me is enough to make me want to vomit.

    How low must the women’s self-worth be that they need such a creature fawning over them all the time?

    And the people who don’t like to do it the same way that you do probably don’t really want to be forced to watch you do it, or be forced to hear about you doing it.

    To be fair, no one has to read their stuff. And since they’re all on privately run blogs or forums, the owner gets to choose – it’s not a free speech issue. And I direct the ebb and flow of conversation on my own blog, too, on very rare occasions.

    What I find amusing, though, is the violence and vituperation in their replies. They really cannot engage in rational discussion. They don’t want rational discussion – they want approval or agreement, I think.

    Quite, quite sad.


    1. What they want, I think, is sexual self-validation. They’re sure as hell not getting that from us, and I suspect they’re not getting that from most other venues. So they turn to each other.

      Leave them be, I say, as long as they leave us be. The Internet is not like the real world. There is no limit on the amount of spaces we can create for discussion.

      I just wish more people could avoid the drama. There’s no excuse for going out of your way to be mean. 🙁

  3. There’s no excuse for going out of your way to be mean.

    May, my sentiments exactly.

    I guess I’m freakier than I thought but I think it can be kinda hot if a man wears women’s underwear, nail polish or what have you. 😉 And I’m not into sissification. I just don’t believe that masculinity is something so frail it can fall from that. I think that the frilly things just accent the more manly features.

    I think that it’s mostly the overdramatic and/or overabundant bringing it into focus that kills it in those kind of places. And maybe also the same thing said here over and over again – mistaking porn for real life.

    1. Well, as a guy who wears almost exclusively “girls’ clothes,” let me just say…

      I think it can be kinda hot if a man wears women’s underwear, nail polish or what have you. And I’m not into sissification. I just don’t believe that masculinity is something so frail it can fall from that. I think that the frilly things just accent the more manly features.

      …yup, pretty much that.

  4. I just want to point out that there is a difference between cross-dressing and the sissy thing. I’ve gotten to know men who will dress cross-genderly, but they don’t lose any sense of masculinity. As an example, I’m thinking Tim Burton in Rocky Horror – that sort of thing.

    I’m inclined to agree with iamalisons insight, too, which helps me define (for myself) the weirdness with sissifycation. I’m not going to say that it’s wrong, it’s just that there’s something about the flamboyancy with which they take on a submissive feminine personna that creeps me out. In my thinking, this is similar to the gender paradox that some sub men want to be humiliated by being made to imitate “superior” women.

    1. I quite agree – there’s nothing objectively wrong with it, even though I personally find it all quite repellent.

      What is wrong, or, to be accurate, what they cannot provide any evidence to substantiate, is the claim “women are superior to men“.

      Some people really do seem to believe it’s true, though, as objective fact, and they get quite angry when you point out the silliness of it.


  5. Wow, there’s so much here. A boy can’t go away for 12 hours…

    The first point I want to make regarding the high cross-over between sissies and chastity is that is seems to me that chastity is one of those “tactical” kinks that fits well into a bunch of others. I imagine there’s a terrific venn diagram in this somewhere, but enforced chastity can be embraced by those into S/M, humiliation, orgasm denial, bondage, etc., and, if your thing is to minimize your masculinity while maximizing feminization, locking *the* symbol of manhood into a hot pink device so it can’t do it’s “manly” thing would, I suppose, appeal to you very much.

    Sarah and John actually seem like outliers to me regarding this (and I may be wrong) in that, from what I can tell from what she’s written, there are no other underlying kinks going on there. They’re not into D/s, S/M, or bondage so their use of the device revolves solely around it’s tactical purpose: orgasm denial. In fact, if you go back and read earlier posts here, that’s how we started out, too, but once we got into it, I found all these other things (some of which I knew about, others I didn’t) start to rise to the surface. It’s surprising to me that that’s not the case with the Jamesons.

    I agree with I_am_alisons that a lot of these guys are REALLY into the shock and awe aspect of their kink. And, because of that, the fact that we are *so* creeped out by their kink makes it all that much better for them.

    I’m a guy who is willing to do anything once (twice if it hurts the first time) and I’ve let my imagination go with regard to the feminization thing and I can say without doubt that it does nothing whatsoever for me. In fact, like you guys, it does the opposite. There’s not much that squiks me out, but this does. To such an extent that I have a visceral reaction to those who practice it. My assumption is my reaction, and the reaction of others like me, helps them get off. The shocking exhibitionism seems a powerful motivator (says the guy with the graphic sex blog). I don’t think that’s their *only* motivator (see my point above), but it’s a big one.

    Finally (for now), Sarah said:

    How can any woman find that attractive in a man? The thought of having one of those pathetic, submissive creatures anywhere near me is enough to make me want to vomit.

    How low must the women’s self-worth be that they need such a creature fawning over them all the time?

    They might find satisfaction in it through the fact that they’re allowing their partner to express their sexuality in a way that brings *them* a great deal of satisfaction. I’d be surprised if even 5% of them went into their relationships with an interest in this, but once it was revealed and they saw how happy it made their lover, they embraced it *for them*. I can totally relate to this since I know Belle’s done the same with me. None of the kinky shit we do would have made its way into her bedroom or our lives unless I brought it and, at least initially, she did it just because I wanted it. I love her desperately for that. As things have progressed, I think she’s found that she likes some elements and practices them for that reason, but it will always be the case that she punches me in the balls, for example, because I like it, not because she has a need to do so.

    EDIT: How many friggin’ typos can there be!?

  6. “I found all these other things (some of which I knew about, others I didn’t) start to rise to the surface. It’s surprising to me that that’s not the case with the Jamesons. “

    When we’re “in the moment”, so to speak, all sorts of things bubble to the surface, naturally. But it’s not something that ever really extends beyond that.

    John put the idea in my head… I gave it a try, found it was fun and ran with it.


    P.S. Is your expression “she punches me in the balls” literal or metaphorical?

    1. Is your expression “she punches me in the balls” literal or metaphorical?

      Quite literal. You can read about here, here, here…well, all over, really. I’m a masochist, you see, and I really dig getting my balls busted by my sweet Belle Fille (among other painful things). She did it quite well just last night, as a matter fact. My balls were aching nicely as I drifted off to sleep.

      1. I read this out to John, just now.

        He said: “Jesus fucking Christ… you ever hit me in the balla and I’ll hit you back twice as hard”.

        Lol, I guess that’s that, then.


    2. Which brings up a funny moment from last night…

      She had been slapping my nuts around pretty damned good for a while when, after a particularly well-placed strike left me writhing, I started to laugh. Laugh because I remembered the pre-D/s Belle Fille who, back in the day, would pinch my nipples while I was fucking her because I was already aware that I liked pain and had told her. She’d pinch so lightly I’d barely feel it so I’d say “harder” and she’d pinch a little harder and I’d say “HARDER” and her face would wind up like she was afraid of what she was doing to me. It was never hard enough. Now, a few years later, there she was *punching* me in the balls so hard I saw stars and couldn’t breathe.

      Ah, bliss.

  7. Sarah Jameson
    To be fair, no one has to read their stuff. And since they’re all on privately run blogs or forums, the owner gets to choose – it’s not a free speech issue. Sarah

    Oh, absolutely correct. But I do think it’s a rudeness issue, and that’s the crux of my complaint. As Sarah and Thumper both said, the sissy/humiliation thing turns them off. Me too. That doesn’t mean it’s wrong for people who like it to do it, but it does mean it’s really, really rude of them to constantly inject it into discussions about other sexual activities. Because it ruins the fun of those activities for other people. It’s like talking on your cell phone in a movie theater (er, theatre for Sarah?). Makes it hard for everyone else to enjoy what they came there for.

    And if it really is how they get off, it’s just that much worse.


    1. it’s really, really rude of them to constantly inject it into discussions about other sexual activities

      Yes, and that’d be the same regardless of their particular fetish, which is why knowing the context about a place you’re posting a comment/new post/whatever is really important. That behavior is rightfully just as frowned upon in discussions about food as it is in discussion about sex. Those people are trolls trolls, they just happen to be troll-y about sex. :\

  8. Hmmm, for me chastity play is a minor kink. I haven’t really encountered any major problems with this online perhaps because I don’t have enough invested in it to get worked up. Yes there is quite a vocal group who post on forums, blogs, mailing lists but mostly it passes me by. I just read past it, don’t go out of my way to find it, and only pay attention to the bits that interest me. Or it may be because I don’t have a blog and thus don’t attract their (those into the sissy fetish) attention in the way I suspect the bulk of those commenting on this thread may.

    Then again it may be that I just don’t have negative emotional reactions to the whole sissy thing. I’ve only known a couple of guys into that fetish and they were both pretty nice decent people. Also pretty brave. Particularly Priscilla who, as an former boxer, had neither the build or the looks for the way he dressed at scene events in the 80’s. Personally I thought he had a lot of strength, and courage to pursue his kink. Mind you that was not online and long long ago (back when RAM cost $50 a kilobyte adjusting for inflation). Possibly cybersissies are a different breed.

    Still I do tend to agree that it would be better if a forum about chastity play was first and foremost about chastity play and not side tracked into discussions about something else. So if someone turns up dressed as a french maid to discuss chastity, so what, their take on chastity play may be very different to mine but I love diversity. It just wouldn’t be the right place to discuss forced-fem at length.

    Even when people go beyond fantasy and role play and start to buy into the female supremacist mindset I don’t have a major problem. Clearly it is patently silly but most fetishes, kinks, and sexual activities looked at objectively don’t always make sense. It only becomes really irritating, to me, if they are evangelical about it and when they can’t step back and be objective about their fetish such that they thrust it upon those who are not interested and don’t wish to be involved with it or insist theirs is the one true way. Some kinky fantasies just don’t reflect reality.

    Who knows there may be a huge number of guys and girls into gender play, cross dressing, humiliation fantasies, and politically incorrect logically inconsistent kink, maybe even locked in their pink CB’s, that cringe every time they read some of the more extreme vocal and silly comments from what Sarah calls the chastity taliban.


    P.S. Do be careful with that heavy CBT you don’t want to accidentally qualify for membership at On the one hand balls are a lot tougher than many realise but on the other females lack a certain empathy for what balls can and can’t take.

    P.P.S. Latinum not platinum is what I recall.

    1. Even when people go beyond fantasy and role play and start to buy into the female supremacist mindset I don’t have a major problem

      Just to be clear… as a libertarian I don’t have a problem with anything consenting adults do to or with each other. Nor do I have a problem with what they say.

      Equally, though, when they start making ridiculous claims purporting to be objective fact, I’m entitled to call bullshit on them. Which I do ;-).

      I do realise this is probably a losing battle. I also realise in the grand scheme of things, it’s really of no consequence – in 150 years every single person who is alive right now will almost certainly be dead. In a life where death is inevitable, it’s debatable whether anything is of any concern to anyone at all.

      My aim, though, is to act as a sane and rational voice for men and women who are interested in chastity and are put off, confused or bewildered by what they find out there.

      Such a simple aim… and yet it can all get so very complicated. Sigh…


  9. Hi Sarah,

    A laudable aim I wish you success. After all, from a purely self interested perspective, I stand to benefit from your efforts if you succeed. I have a whole range of kinks and forms of sexual play I enjoy; many of which appear incompatible or mutually exclusive or contradictory to people who only look at behaviours and activities rather than motivations. The more people challenge the prejudices and mistaken beliefs that are out there the better.


    1. AS I’ve said on several occasions: the truth matters to me just because it is the truth.

      You can thank John for that. He’s the one who got me thinking that way.


  10. Tom Allen :
    I just want to point out that there is a difference between cross-dressing and the sissy thing. – – I’m not going to say that it’s wrong, it’s just that there’s something about the flamboyancy with which they take on a submissive feminine personna that creeps me out. In my thinking, this is similar to the gender paradox that some sub men want to be humiliated by being made to imitate “superior” women.

    Okay, I hear you. Obviously I haven’t been hanging around the places you guys have… But, hey, I’m ten years your junior!

    I do feel, of course, that sissification has internal structures that are, if not anything else, troubling. Seeing women as either superior or inferior (when you take their role and are thus ascended from yours, does it really make women superior? What a headspin…) is playing to the corner of old dichotomies and gender stereotypes which actually don’t liberate women. (Who’ve have thunk, huh?) Still, a lot of other kinks aren’t politically sound, either. Like, mine and Wonderboy’s rape and incest play, to not go over to someone else’s kinks for examples. It most definately resonates with the power imbalances in our society – otherwise the play wouldn’t have any power in our minds, so it wouldn’t be arousing. And maybe I even qualify for disrupting discussions on something else bringing my kink into focus. 😉

    I do hesitate with people who don’t seem to see the line between power play and the societal power imbalances, though.

    I’m a guy who is willing to do anything once (twice if it hurts the first time)


    gawk. Oh. You got my attention, I can tell you that.

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