The rules under which our dynamic operates have evolved over time, but the last time they were updated was almost three years ago. My previous post discussed a rule I put in place for myself about not touching the penis, but rules I put on myself are easily waived or bent. Rules Belle puts in place carry much more weight. So this morning…
Therefore, here is the updated list of Rules that I follow.
- I can only come when Belle tells me to and, if she tells me to, I have to.
- I must be wearing a chastity device at all times, unless she says otherwise.
- When unlocked, I cannot touch the penis except for maintenance purposes or to swap devices. Never for pleasure, unless she has released it for sex.
- I am not to volunteer how I feel about having an orgasm and must never ask for one.
- If I have sex with someone else, the penis must always be locked. No exceptions.
The revised “no touching” rule replaces one that said I wasn’t allowed to play with it. Touching leads to playing so, in reality, this is better. The definition of “playing” isn’t as definite as “touching.”
These are the rules she expects me to follow. I vow to do so. Of course, it’s hard. If submission were easy, it wouldn’t be worth much.
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