I look forward to Saturday night all week long. It’s the one night I can usually depend on getting a little Thumper-centric action out of Belle. This week, based on what she described as my exemplary service over the previous five days combined with the fact that it’s been two weeks since my last orgasm (and it’s showing), I was especially expectational of being made a happy bunny.
Once we got into bed, the vibe didn’t seem like one that was going to lead to wild, passionate, kinky sex. She had assumed an aggressive “curled up for sleep” posture. Trying to go with the flow, I asked if there was anything she wanted me to do for her. She told me to get naked and rub her neck. After her top was off and she was laying on her stomach, I straddled her ass so I could get to work on her knotted up muscles. The little prisoner looked up mournfully at me as the tube it was in crushed my balls into Belle’s ass. She was making appreciative moans and groans and was obviously slipping into a deeper state of relaxedness.
When she had had enough, I rolled off and laid next to her. Still on her stomach, I gently ran my hand in circles over her lower back and ass. She really liked that. So much so, that after a short while, I heard a short little snory snort come out of her. She was asleep.
All at once, I was full of internal conflict. On the one hand, it was supposed to be my turn! She had dropped hints. I had give her the best service I knew how all week. Where the hell was my action?! On the other hand, I had made her feel really good. I had made her happy. Wasn’t that my goal? Isn’t this exactly what I signed up for?
I blew out all the candles and rolled over to go to sleep. Normally, I spoon into her, but this time I turned the other way and curled around my pillow. I felt neglected. I felt horny. I felt guilty. And yeah, I felt a little angry. The submissive little bunny in my chest was beaten back by the sex lizard who, frankly, had had enough of his fuzzy, pink-nosed, floppy-eared bullshit.
I slept fitfully due to my brimming sexual energy and a painfully full chastity tube. At 4:30, Belle rolled over and put her arm across my chest and started to finger the hair in my arm pit. Her touch immediately set me on edge. Electrical fire flashed across my skin. I wanted it – craved her touch – but simultaneously desired her to get off me.
She asked how I felt. I struggled with an answer. A month ago, I’d have probably said something noncommittal and stewed, but last night I was able to answer, “Conflicted.” I confessed my frustration. That I expected attention, even though the terms of our dynamic gave me no reason to do so. She said she could feel my frustration. I apologized for being moody and said I didn’t want her to feel guilty. She said she didn’t feel guilty. The tube between my legs throbbed at that.
She wanted me to know that even though we could have had sex at that moment, we weren’t going to because she would only be doing it for me, not because she wanted it. Yes, she did want to reward me for my excellent service, but it needed to happen when she wanted it to and not at any other time. My behavior could not be used to manipulate her actions.
The way she said these things, in a measured and thoughtful way, totally obliterated the petulant sex lizard. My internal bunny came roaring back. She meant this. She felt it. My Belle Fille was in total possession of her dominant position over me. All my internal conflict dropped away leaving me feeling absolutely under her control.
I told her I understood completely and that I loved her, completely. Our sex belonged to and was for her. I apologized for having expectations I had no right to. We kissed and I burned. She rolled over and I spooned into her so insistently it was if I was trying to fuse myself to her.
This morning, I’m content. Yes, terribly horny – my sexual frustration rings through me like a struck bell – but content nonetheless. My wonderful, beautiful, caring Belle Fille has never wielded her sexual dominance over me more assuredly than she did last night and I am beyond appreciative to her for doing so. She makes me very, very happy and I know how lucky I am to have her.